Thursday, 20 December 2012

music video idea

My music video is going to be a series of shots of the band playing. The video will start off with a wide shot of a set within the studio, the band will be at the back of the set with guns in there hands as if they have just finished shooting. In the foreground there will be people lying on the floor pretending to be dead bodies. The band members will throw their guns on the floor and pick up their instruments, the camera will pan towards the band through the dead bodies on the floor, and the guitarist will start playing and eventually be followed by the other band members as the song kicks in. then the rest of the video will be various shots of the band performing the song, the cutting between band members vary at different points in the song to compansate the different instruments playing. for example there will be a close up of the guitarist when the guitar solo is playing. once the song has finished the camera will pan back out following the same path it did for the intro and the people on the floor will pretend to come back to life as if they are zombies reanimating. the band will put down there instruments and pick up the guns again as if they are about to fight off the zombies, the camera will then dip to black and te video will end.

the video will be very dark in colour and will reflect the forboading sense that the song gives you as you listen to it. this will be acheived by having a black painted set and have very sharp lights on the band.

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