Friday, 21 October 2011

communication skills childrens drama


Kenan and Kel is an american cteen drama comedy which first aired on nickelodeon from July 1996 to July 2000. the show had 62 episodes and a TV movie, the show was comercianly a sucess with hundreds of thousends of children and teenagers tuning in to nickelodeon to see what the mismathed pair would gety up to next.
the show is set in chicago,lllinois and focused on two michevious teenagers,Kenan and Kel.  kenan is at high school and has a job at a local grocery store wereas kel is his silly,clumsy best freind who has an obsetion for orange soda. the shows iconic star and finish of kenan kel breaking through the ;forth wall and interacting with the studio audience made it more unige to other shows of the same category. there is always a running gag at the beginning of each episode where kenan would not tell kel what tonights episode would be about.

the series was created by kim bass who of couse also crated the sitcom 'sister,sister'. the show was taped in front of a live studio audience, which added to the sucess of the slapstick silly humour which the show thrived on. kenan and kel still aires today on nicktoons evry night at 9:30.

Thursday, 20 October 2011

Research, collect and prepare background materials 2012 OLYMPICS

this final website i viewed had a much more official feel about it. the design was good and it gave me bigger news flashes on matters such as athletes fittness and the great british football teams preperations. it gives me lots of stories to choose from including the latest news from the biggest teams. it also includes programmes about the olympics and gives you the option of watching a whole episode online.

here is the link for the website i used to get the information above:

this website is much more official and has a much nicer layout compared to the other websites about the 2012 london olympics.

Research, collect and prepare background materials 2012 OLYMPICS

this next website combines some of the other feautures into one big website. it gives me the latest interviews and gossip considering athletes. it also has an online store which you can buy 2012 olympics merchandise such as books and apps for your smart phone. It also goes into abit more deph than other websites on the matter of the olympic tourch carrier competition.

here is the link for the website i used in order to get the information above:

this website has to be my personal favourite because it covers a lot more areas about the oympics than other websites do and expands it by including the online store.

Research, collect and prepare background materials 2012 OLYMPICS

the website in which i visited next gave me a huge fact file on the london olympics. it gave me information on facts about the oympic games such as:
.how many athletes are taking place
.how many fans will be attending each events
.how many countries are taking place

and lots more interesting and useful facts that gives me a wider view on how big the olympic games really are. it also tells me about plans for after the olympic games.

here is the link for the website i used in order to get the information above:

this website showes me facts about not only the oympic games but the paralympics and events after the games which makes it an interesting source.

Research, collect and prepare background materials 2012 OLYMPICS

This next website i looked at talks about the councils involvement in the olympics and how their are going about hosting the olympics. the website states that they and four other boroghs are working together to hos the olympics and they are 'committed to making the event a huge sucess'.

here is the website i used in order to get the information above:


this website is a good one if you are involved in council work. or you are interested in what the council does to get involved in events such as the olympics.

Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Research, collect and prepare background materials 2012 OLYMPICS

this website is one of a single article about the amount of footage that will be taken of the olympics. it tells about how many pictures and videos will be taken during events and states that it will be the one of the most 'captured' events ever. it also estimate the rate of pictures taken and goes into detail on this.

here is the link for the website i used in order to get the information above:


this article is interesting and gives you a wider view on how big the Olympics is going to be.

Research, collect and prepare background materials 2012 OLYMPICS

this next website I visited is a franchise and merchandise shop for the 2012 Olympics. it helps expand the market and helps people express their interest in the Olympics. there is all kinds of merchandise from clothes,toys,models, jewellery to mascot toys and costumes.

here is the link for the website i visited in order to get the information above:


this website is good because it expands the market and lets me get more out of the Olympics.

Research, collect and prepare background materials 2012 OLYMPICS

this website focuses more on the general issues of the Olympics. for example there's an article about travel and getting tickets for the Olympics and that for some people it will be a 'nightmare'. however it also gives you the latest pictures and videos from the atheletes training for 2012.

here is the link for the website I visited to get this information above:


this website works for me because its more like a news channel which is updated daily to give me the very latest news on the Olympics 2012.

Research, collect and prepare background materials 2012 OLYMPICS

the website i visited next focused more on what Britain are doing in preparation to the Olympics and their goals for gold in the 2012 Olympics. it also gives more depth on the paralympics and the movement of the paralympics  and of course there preparations.

here is the link for the website I used for the information above:


this is a good website because it tells you about only Britain's preparations which is ideal for someone supporting the British team.

Research, collect and prepare background materials 2012 OLYMPICS

This website is useful because it shows me interviews with the main stars of the Olympics. there is articles about these athletes and in depth looks at at their training patterns and what preparations they are taking in order to be as ready as they can for the Olympics 2012. they also give advise and tell their ambitions ect.

here is the link for the website i used for this information.


This is relevant because it gives more detail on the athletes preparation on the Olympics and gives the fans a bit more build up so they can know what their favourite athlete is doing for the Olympics.

Research, collect and prepare background materials 2012 OLYMPICS

I have lernt from this website about what the olympics is all about. what the main idea is and how the people involved aspire to make it the best they possibly can by working together throughout. I also learn about how they  are 'making it happen' and what precautions they are taking involving things like transport,funding and the sustainability.

here is the link for the website in which i used to source my evidence

this is a good source because it tells me in plain English how the Olympics is being organised and what is involved in the plans to make the Olympics a reality.

Monday, 17 October 2011


once you have finished and are happy with your script you can save it onto your computer and export it.
saving is fairly straight forward, all that you need to do is to press the save button at the top of the page and pick a file to save it in.
if you would then like to export your script you have to go to the task bar and select script. this will bring up several options, one of which is 'export script' which is the one required.


whilst you are about to write your script a useful tip is to right click on the page. this will bring up the link 'Format' after clicking on this you will get a number of tools:

.scene heading

all these tools give celtix an advantage on programmes such as microsoft weord for it is specificaly equipt for scriptwriting and is a much quicker easier way to do so.
other usful tools can be found ubove the page where there are essentials like:


all of which can be very useful when you want to annotate your script.


to get started go to the start button and select all programmes, then scroll up untill you come to a link named celtix. now a window should open saying 'welcome to celtix' now you have a choice of what you like to do next your options are

.project templates

.sample templates

on sample projects there is a number of scripts, audios and comics too choose from i picket the scrip of 'the wonderful wizard of oz'.

if you want your own script,audio or comic you do so by choosing on of the options on the project temples. this will bring up a blank page which will be the template for your scpipt (if you choose to write a script.