Kenan and Kel is an american cteen drama comedy which first aired on nickelodeon from July 1996 to July 2000. the show had 62 episodes and a TV movie, the show was comercianly a sucess with hundreds of thousends of children and teenagers tuning in to nickelodeon to see what the mismathed pair would gety up to next.
the show is set in chicago,lllinois and focused on two michevious teenagers,Kenan and Kel. kenan is at high school and has a job at a local grocery store wereas kel is his silly,clumsy best freind who has an obsetion for orange soda. the shows iconic star and finish of kenan kel breaking through the ;forth wall and interacting with the studio audience made it more unige to other shows of the same category. there is always a running gag at the beginning of each episode where kenan would not tell kel what tonights episode would be about.
the series was created by kim bass who of couse also crated the sitcom 'sister,sister'. the show was taped in front of a live studio audience, which added to the sucess of the slapstick silly humour which the show thrived on. kenan and kel still aires today on nicktoons evry night at 9:30.
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