Thursday, 12 January 2012

quantitive & qualitative reasearch.


supersize me (2004)
the doucumentry was uselful and was full of quantitaive reaserch, all of which are presented in very relatable and interesting ways to keep me watching. the advantages in gereall for quantitative reaserach is the accurasy of the data, facts that is presented in quantitative reasearch. supersize me uses many forms of quatitative reasearch and presents alot of them with short animations to keep it interesting. an example is when the presenter is talking about how may mcdonalds there are across the worls, there is a cartoon of a world map and mcdonalds sighns posted where they are across the world. also when thare is a survey about two girls aged 14 and 19 who where crinically obease, an animation was shown to show the two girls.

qualitative reasearch appears more towards the end and middle of the film when the results of his health is being revealed. they are mainly spoken by morgon spurlock the main character. he mentions about his headaches and depression whilst undergoing his 30 day mcdonalds trial. there is a mix of quantitative and qualitative reaserch in a short animation about the results once the challenge is over. its appears as writing explaing things such as
. his headaches
. his cholesteral level after the challenge
. his sex drive
. his depression
all are a mix of both quantitative and qualitative reaserach and are prented in an entertaing and engading fashion through cartoon annimation.


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