Wednesday 21 September 2011

childrens drama


For my report I viewed an episode of children’s drama/comedy ‘Kenan and Kel’ by using you tube. This is the link I used
The episode was pretty enjoyable and entertained me even though I am not considered as its target audience. It used typical humour which you would expect to see in a children’s drama comedy which is an aspect to the success of the show.

The story started off by immediately telling you what the episode was mainly about. It was an episode which was on ‘April fool’s day’ which was a brilliant topic to set an episode of kenan and kel about. The episode opens with the unsuspecting father being covered in cereal after opening a cupboard door. This grips its audience by basically giving them what they want which is a silly but funny moment involving a character familiar to this kind of violation. The episode continuously bombards the parents and friends with April fools pranks, such as when kenan orders 75 pizzas and tells them his name is Charlene the local shop keeper. The story is pretty much what you would expect with kenan and kel at the centre of all the chaos and usually the culprits. Throughout the episode, it continuously uses the same silly slap stick comedy that the audience has come to love. The episode is pure ‘kenan and kel’ and nothing else.

The characters stay the same throughout each episode. They all have their unique attributes which can help determine the plot of the episode. Characterisation is very typical in kenan and kel comparing to the standard set of characters usually show in its genre. For example there are two parents who are the centrepiece to kenan and kels mischief. A lot of other children’s dramas use a mother and a father usually parenting a pair of typical teenagers. Kenan and kel fit into the criteria of the typical havoc inducing teenagers but portray them in a way that still makes them likeable. Slightly older children could relate to kenan and kel although they are usually extremely egsadurated and over the top as teenagers. The over the top egsaduration is part of their character and is the centre point to them being children’s drama/comedy stars. Children can be over the top so they can relate to kenan and kel because that is essentially what kids are entertained by. The strong accents and the silly antics immediately tell you that it is set in America and the sort of ‘trash’ talk helps define their suburban setting.

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