Thursday 22 September 2011

childrens drama

 Code of practice 

Each children’s drama show has to follow a strict set code of practice in order to air or even make their shows. This code of practice is essential so that everyone from the audience to the BBC is satisfied that they have kept within the limit. There are a few obvious rules for making a children’s dram which are to avoid including things like:
. Illegal activity such as gambling, downloading movies est.
. Vandalism or encouraging criminal damage.
. Sex or nudity.
. Strong violence or gory images.
. Racism or humiliation towards people of an ethnic background or race.
. Swearing or any form of offensive language
These are basically the obvious ones that should not be included into a children’s drama or any children’s show. Including something like a sex scene in ‘kenan and kel’ will not appeal to its audience or even the parents of the children watching and could result in a number of people filing a complaint towards the network. Therefore all children’s shows must follow the codes of practice in order to be successful and acceptable. They are:

Health and Safety
During filming or pre-production the director has to consider health and safety regulations. They will have to make sure no one is at risk during filming, be it the actors or the staff. Point out any potential hazards that may be in the filming area such as the wires that run across the floor. In order to receive a green light by the health and safety act they need to make sure everyone involved is not at risk or that hazards are not pointed out.
Copyright is a very serious matter that children’s dramas have to consider when filming a scene. Nothing showed on screen can be taken from anything copyright protected otherwise shows can be sued and/or be cancelled. The directors need to avoid showing copyright protected things such as showing copyright protected adverts on the television or product names (e.g. coca cola). Without permission from the companies themselves they cannot include these kinds of copyright breaches due to risk of being sued or fined.
Restrictions are the kinds of inclusions that I mentioned at the top of the page. They are basic guidelines that’s shows must consider and not include. For example most children’s drama do sometimes use guns, fighting, but they are not too extreme and are edited to be acceptable to an audience of children. This is simply because it can disturb, educate in the wrong way (e.g. drugs) or give children a wrong impression on things like drugs or fighting.

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