Thursday 22 September 2011

childrens drama

Copyright and health and safety

All children’s dramas must consider going over copyright and health and safety issues in order to air on a network. It can be a pretty big lawsuit if a show breaks the copyright law and could result in the cancellation of the show or get the network into trouble. Shows have to make sure they don’t include things in their shows that are copyright protected. These are products like drinks or adverts that are copyright protected. Shows must be careful not to have a copyright protected advert in the background whilst filming otherwise there could be consequences. There is a lot of money involved in lawsuits and if they would want to include a can of coca cola for example, then the producers would have to ask the company for permission and possibly pay a fee.

Health and safety is essential when filming a children’s drama, especially if you are working with children. Health and safety is much more serious now due to increasing concerns it raises.
It is essential to consider the necessary precautions of health and safety which could be for example a list of hazards in the filming area which could be prevented. A risk assessment could be carried out to list the risks and hazards, signs could be put up around the studio warning people of the potential hazards. The staff and actors need to be aware of the hazards to insure no one is harmed or injured which could both affect the development of the show and/or create a lawsuit against the show. Health and safety is more of a priority than an issue due to increasing concerns over the professionalism of a shows take on keeping its staff and cast safe. Children’s dramas can’t afford having a child actor harmed or injured whilst filming because the show is responsible for the wellbeing of the children.

Both the copyright law and health and safety are priorities that shows must consider when filming for both are as serious as each other. There are some shows that might breach the copyright law accidentally (e.g. showing a film poster) and the network is sometimes made to announce an apology. Furthermore there may be injuries during filming but usually the staff member can be replaced. As long as the shows are professional about health and safety and copyright matters then they wont have to worry about complaints and fines EST.


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